When we hear "food allergy" we think of someone who has a severe, life-threatening reaction to a food intolerance, like peanuts. What most of us don't realize is that an allergy is anything that your body can not digest. 5 Symptoms Associated With Food Allergies 1) Gas/Bloating: caused by incomplete digestion 2) Difficultly Loosing Weight: Food intolerance activates your immune system which causes stress to the body. In turn this increases cortisol. Prolonged cortisol produces belly fat. 3) Fatigue: food is fuel. Fuel is energy. If you aren't digesting your food, how can you derive energy from it. Plus, your body is using it's energy stores trying to digest. 4) Post Nasal Drip: I bet you didn't guess that one. This is caused by immune activation of the gut. This activation causes release in histamine production which increases vascular permeability that causes post nasal drip. This might be the cause of your child's constant runny nose. 5) Joint Aches and Eczema: This is also caused by the activation of the immune system in the gut. If you digest a common food allergy - like milk - the protein in milk, casein causes the immune system to send an anitbody to deal with the indigestible substance. The antibody-antigen complex will rid the body of the harmful substance by taking it to the liver to be detoxified then eliminated. What happens when you indulge in too much milk - your liver can't keep up. So this complex will stay in the blood stream and accumulate where there is a decrease in blood flow ie. joints and skin. These complexes act as irritants to the immune system and will cause localized immune responses in the skin (eczema) and joints (rheumatoid arthritis). What You Can Do About It Notice a pattern here? Food intolerance activates the immune system in the gut! This is exactly how we can test for food intolerance. Contact a Doctor that can test to see if you immune system is in over drive. Most Doctors will test for food allergy by ordering IgE (immune system antibody). IgE is activated when there is immediate reaction - like a life-threatening peanut allergy. What most Doctors fail to test for is IgG, this is a delayed immune response that is activated when the food is a threat and needs to be eliminated. Even though IgG is a delayed reaction, chronic activation of the immune response to a foreign substance (food allergy) can cause harm to your body. When your immune system is in constant state of activation, your body is stressed out, unable to derive nutrients from foods, and is having a hard time replenishing lost energy stores. If you or a loved one is trying to figure out where your/their symptoms are coming from. Consider food as a source. It might be beneficial to try a liver detox program in order to help purify the liver, blood, and intestines. Leaving your body happy, healthy, and back on track with more important tasks. In health, Dr. T's Health Tips Click here to get Your personalized Nutritional Consultation Every day is another chance to turn it all around.
Did you know that 80% of your immune system is located in the gut? Many people don't realize that when they get sick, it is probably because they ate something that they body isn't happy with (christmas sweets) or they have been eating bad for a while and the immune system can no longer keep up. So, next time you are sick, think of your gut. If you want to prevent colds and flus from happening- eat healthy. Nourishing your body with nutrients that you get from vegetables, can save you from those winter blues. Happy gut, happy life. How can you change the health of your gut? Start by loading up on green leafy vegetables. Click here to find out how. You can change your genetic predisposition by simply modifying your lifestyle. In 1953 James Watson, PhD, and Francis Crick, PhD, unveiled their double-helix model of DNA. On the day of their breakthrough, Dr. Watson walked into an English pub and announced they had “found the secret of life.”(1) This discovery was a massive breakthrough in science and in health care. Today we are discovering the secret to health that will allow you to experience the quality that life has to offer. That secret is - "Epigenetics." "Epigenetics is the study of how environmental factors can affect gene expression without altering the actual DNA sequence, and how these changes can be inherited through generations." (2) This means that what you do today, tomorrow, and in the future can alter the expression of your genetic makeup and the genetic makeup of your offspring. How environmental factors influence gene expression brings truth to the old saying, "you are what you eat." Epigenetics emphasizes the importance of diet, exercise, and a clean environment. It is just as important what you put your body as the air you breathe. It is equally valuable to your body to eat vegetables as it is to decrease exposure to pesticides - eat organic vegetables. It is also essential to manage your negative thoughts - this has also been shown to change the expression of your genes. The secret to life isn't a secret anymore, it is a well known documented bold faced - fact. And, this is something you can have control of. "Walter Willett, from the Harvard School of Public Health stated, "Genetic and environmental factors, including diet and life-style, both contribute to cardiovascular disease, cancers, and other major causes of mortality, but various lines of evidence indicate that environmental factors are most important. Just imagine having control of the way your genes express themselves. Now you have a choice. You can choose optimal wellness by taping into what your body needs and providing those needs. Or can you choose sick care by allowing someone else manage your health through medications and the absence of nutrition as a source for disease prevention. 5 Steps to Optimal Wellness 1) Schedule a Chiropractic Appointment. Of course I am going to advice this. Why? The brain and spinal cord control EVERY function in your entire body. Any dysfunction in this can alter health and decrease your chances of obtaining optimal health. Chiropractors restore function to this system allowing your body to function at its optimum. So, that is why it is important to see a Chiropractor. 2) Eat a Well Balanced Meal. What does that mean anyways? Stay tuned for next weeks blog to learn more. This week you can start by removing sugar/sweets and adding in vegetables and healthy proteins. Sugars will cause drastic spikes in your blood sugar leading you down a path to diabetes. Adding healthy proteins will maintain blood sugar and lead you to a path of Optimal Wellness! It feels so good. 3) Exercise. Do what you love! Movement keeps your body young. Don't settle for a boring routine, because you will not keep it. Discover an activity that you enjoy, so you keep doing it for years to come. Your body will thank you for it too! 4) Replace toxic house hold products with safe products void of chemicals. Start by changing your shampoo and conditioner. 5)Surround yourself with like-minded people who also want to achieve optimal wellness. By engaging with people who support your efforts to maintain a healthy living you increase your chances of sustaining this lifestyle. Bonus: Find healthy ways that you can distress. If you spell STRESSED backwards you get DESSERTS. Every one encounters stress, but that doesn't mean we should turn to dessert to deal, it is the way that we handle stress that counts. Start monitoring the way you handle stress and incorporate ways to change. For example, if you have a stash of candy in your desk drawer to manage, replace it with an organic apple. Or, if you tend to yell at innocent victims (ie. spouse), instead take a short walk outside. Getting fresh air will bring much needed oxygen to the brain and tissues to replenish the depleted oxygen stores caused by stress. You are the master control of your body. You control how it is nourished. You can control your reactions and how you manage stress. By owning your body, you can own your health, and therefore alter your genetic makeup! Incorporating these positive changes will jump start you towards the path to Optimal Wellness. 1) John Neustadt, ND and Steve Pieczenik, MD, PhD. Foundations and Applications of Medical Biochemistry in Clinical Practice 2) Quinn, Sheila (2010-11-30). Textbook of Functional Medicine. |