There are numerous occasions when I am working on a patient and a find the culprit of their pain. The common denominator tends to be scar tissue from old injuries that haven't been helped. Now these injuries are causing decreased function followed by debilitating pain. Why do old injuries cause pain in other areas? Let's say you are experiencing low back pain. When you are lying down it gets worse but when you are moving it gets better. I hear this all the time. When you have an injury to your hip (you fell on ice and you probably don't remember) but soon after the injury happened - you "walked" it off - no big deal. But, unconsciously your body compensated by ambulating differently, putting added pressure on your opposite knee in order to ease pressure off of the hip. Over time this added pressure will cause pain or predispose you to further injury in the future. Many times people think their pain came on spontaneously, but it happened from repetitive movements in the wrong position. Even chronic poor posture can allow this to happen (see picture above). The lying down of scar tissue is a normal response the body does in order to repair the damaged tissue. Accompanying a fall or injury there are little tears in the muscles that appear. The body lays down tissue in order to repair the area of fault - this is known as scar tissue. Once scar tissue develops, the muscle doesn't function properly. And blood supply is compromised to this area. There is also altered firing of the muscle which can pull on the joint adding to the already distorted position. All these responses happen even after the tinniest of injury. This is where I can help. Removing scar tissue can be done in a couple of ways. One way is hands on muscle therapy, literally pushing the scar tissue out and allowing new tissue to take its place. Another way is cold laser therapy or light therapy with is a great adjunct to hands on muscle therapy. Cold lasers are a great way to access deeper tissues that the hands can't reach. These deeper tissues can be a result from surgery like from a c-section or shoulder surgery. Many people think they don't need to see a Chiropractor because they don't "feel pain" or they never had a "traumatic injury." Unfortunately a human being can't go through life without tripping, falling, bumping their head, tweaking their back, slipping on ice, falling asleep on the couch (yes, this causes neck strain) or even developing chronic poor posture from a desk job. Every one in their lifetime will experience and has experienced some kind of injury no matter how big or small, your body will and does compensate. This will and does compromise function and soon enough I hear, "I am just getting old, Doc." But you aren't getting old!! Aging is just an accumulation of injuries that have not been helped. One of my favorite treatments is removing scar tissue. By allowing the "stuck" to become "un-stuck" and mobile, is such a rewarding part of my practice. Watching the body going from restricted and in pain - to full pain-free motion - is a gift I give with my hands. So instead of needlessly suffering or suffering in silence, get a whole body analysis and start repairing old injuries and begin to function and move better!