When we think about chiropractic care, many of us don’t think much past aligning vertebrae. But the benefits of proper chiropractic care are much more far-reaching than just the spine.
Chiropractic supports the nervous system which is the system responsible for all other systems in the body. Most importantly, the nervous system is designed to work in perfect harmony with the immune system to coordinate proper immune response to fight off sickness. When our nervous system is compromised, often due to misalignment of the vertebrae, our immune system and its ability to protect us from sickness is also compromised. One of the best things you can do to boost your immune response if you’re already under the weather, or strengthen your immune system so you have a better chance of not getting sick in the first place, is to get an adjustment. Proper vertebral alignment helps the nervous system and immune system work together as effectively as they were designed to. When we’re sick, our first reaction is usually to cancel everything and stay home. And while that may be the right call for places like school and work, keeping your chiropractic appointment when you’re sick can actually help boost your immune system and have you feeling well sooner. So the next time you’re not feeling well, keep that chiropractic appointment and see for yourself that you’ll be back to ‘well’ in no time! Start your health & wellness journey with Dr. Tinsley at Well Balanced Body.