Babies First Adjustment! Such a magical time, when your baby is pushed through a tiny canal in your body. It is SO NATURAL. Yet, for many of us, can cause a lot of pain and trauma. Even if you have a beautiful, perfect birth and an even more perfect baby - with no complaints or issues - it is still really important to get his or her nervous system checked. Why? There are a lot of areas of the developing baby that a Chiropractor will check for, that you might not even be aware of. And who could blame you - you are too busy gazing into your baby's eyes in awe at this new miracle. At your babies first wellness appointment - we will ask you a series of birth related questions and also any perceived issues you might be experiencing with your little one. Issues like- colic, latching, sleeping, torticollis (neck tension) etc. These "issues" have been shown to be alleviated with Chiropractic intervention. After a series of questions or concerns - we will begin our infant exam. Checking their reflexes and alignment. Making sure their nervous system is functioning at its most optimal level. Below are the best times to get your baby checked. 1. If you have a perceived issue - like colic, latching issues, tongue tie, torticollis, irritability. 2. Since significant spinal trauma can occur at birth, many parents have their newborns checked right away. This will help so much!! 3. As the infant grows, learning to hold up the head, sit, crawl and walk are all activities that affect spinal alignment and are important times to have a child checked by a Doctor of Chiropractic. 4. when they start running and playing - it is good to get them on a regular schedule to get them checked. Ask your Chiropractor what they suggest for your child. A little note about getting your baby adjusted. Chiropractors use the smallest bit of pressure when correcting any spinal or cranial mal-alignment in your babes. The pressure is the amount you would use when you would touch your eyeball. It is very very minimal. My personal story.. I gave birth to Leo in the most natural way possible - in the water. Even though I used little to no medical intervention (I had to tell them when I pushed my baby out!) there was still tension that was placed on little Leo's cranium. He had a bruise on his head because he hit my pubic bone on the way out. Very common thing. With head trauma of any sort, the jaw and neck can be involved. With Leo, he was having trouble latching. I did a cranial adjustment on him as well as took him to my very own Chiropractor and within 5 days (once the nervous system intergrated it) he was latching like a champ. If you are a Mother - you know that is the BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD - when your baby first latches. Things were great until about 3-4 months when he refused tummy time and wouldn't roll over. It was then when I intervened again and we noticed that he had tension in his low back and hips. We released the tension and he rolled over. It is amazing, once you release the interference on the nervous system- how things change. There was very little intervention that had to take place in order for Leo's nervous system to work properly. It is a HUGE life savor to get your baby checked after he or she is born, then at each milestone. Once they are running and playing - it is good to keep them on a regular adjustment schedule - as any small trauma or injury that occurs can get permanetly placed on the nervous system. Your brain will start to create new movement patterns that will become deep seated later in life. My very best patients are the ones who have been adjusted through childhood. Their nervous systems are quick to fix and don't need a lot of care. Luckily, as a child it doesn't take much to remove the interference. So it is great to start now while they are still young and healthy. To make an appointment for your child, please contact our office. HEALTH is the BEST WEALTH, Dr. T
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