Since hosting the Detox Workshop last Thursday, I have had a lot of people reach out to me in regards to their interest in doing the detox, but wanted more information.
If this is you, I have provided some information below to help answer some questions. There is only one detoxification protocol that I recommend. The reason is simple, you need specific nutrients to drive the body's natural detoxification process. Most other detox programs do not provide these nutrients that support your body’s ability to properly detox. If you want to jump ahead and go right to purchasing this detoxification program - please follow the link to order or call our office at 916-864-3016. Why should you do a detox in the first place? There are 2 ways we are exposed to toxins. Endogenous - produced from a result in improper digestion of nutrients which can result from pancreatic enzyme deficiency, hypochlorhydria (low stomach acid). Examples of Endogenous toxins are over growth of fungi, high cholesterol, high inflammation. Anything that is a result of improper digestion and poor diet. Most of these things are shown on lab values that we can test for in our office or can be discovered through symptoms. Exogenous / environmental - you can come into contact with these toxins from your environment. These toxins are poor air quality from pollution, pesticides, heavy metals (ie. mercury), medication, parasites, viruses, bacteria, stimulants (coffee, tobacco, alcohol), household cleaning products. Your detoxification system is responsible for excreting these toxins out of your body. With the involvement of the liver, kidney, bile, colon, lungs and lymph system. Unfortunately, if these toxins are not eliminated from our bodies - they will accumulate in our tissues. Toxins cling onto fat cells, connective tissue, and organs like our brain! Leading to a toxic body and brain. The buildup of toxins can cause many symptoms including poor ability to shed excess weight, brain fog, acne, muscle tension, joint pain, and decreased organ function (like infertility) to name a few. There is actually a plethora of symptoms. To find out your toxicity load - fill out this questionnaire. Here are some other common symptoms related to toxicity load.
Highest sources of molybdenum are lentils and beans. If you have an inability to digest lentils or beans, you must first fix the digestive system. AKA find out which part of your digestion isn’t working and why. Then offer the proper therapy. This is crucial part of deciphering whether or not someone is a good candidate for a detox. Just because your friend is doing a detox, doesn’t mean you should jump on board too. Detoxing can be mainstream fad that is often done incorrectly -- without the right guidance, and without considering patient history, and of course, using the wrong products. Which makes me scream inside. 2. Have you ever been to a dinner party where asparagus is served and someone makes a joke about asparagus making their pee smell? And everyone laughs and agrees. Well I am screaming in my head because they all have faulty detox pathways. An inability to digest asparagus is a huge alarm going off in my head. As asparagus is the number one food to gain glutathione from. A VERY IMPORTANT ANTIOXIDANT in the body. Which is vital for the removal of toxins, especially xenobiotics and heavy metals. Ahhhh! Are you screaming with me now. 3. Wait there is more screaming to be had. It is the morning, you are sitting around sipping coffee with friends, one friend is drinking tea because he can’t handle coffee. Even just a little sip of coffee in the morning will keep him up at night. This is a symptom of a sluggish phase 1 detox pathway. When he drinks coffee it is taking his body FOREVER to get through the first phase of liver detoxification. Reasons for a sluggish phase 1: vitamin deficiency (all Bs and C), insufficient protein intake leading to amino acid deficiency like cysteine, mineral deficiency like iron and magnesium, and of course glutathione deficiency. All these nutrients are needed in phase 1 detoxification. So as you can see, proper nutrition is key. You not only have to provide the body nutrients it needs for every day bodily functions - like energy metabolism. You need to have plenty of nutrient reserves to support the lifestyle that depletes the nutrients in the first place. It is a vicious cycle - our diet doesn’t provide the nutrients it needs to assimilate the nutrients from it in the first place. This leads to organ depletion and toxic accumulation. Let me scream it - YOUR DIET ISN’T SUPPORTING YOUR DETOX PATHWAYS. YOUR BODY IS DEPLETED OF NUTRIENTS!!!!!!!! You not only need replenish your organ reserves, you also need to support your detox pathways. This is KEY! This results in more energy, normal lipid profile (cholesterol), healthy bowel movements, being able to fit into your jeans, less cavities, better skin, shiny hair, awesome sleep, better sex. Yes, better sex. Your hormones are made in the liver. Thyroid hormones, sex hormones, steroid hormones. If your on the wrong detox program, you will first lose weight. And you will say “yay, I lost 5 lbs.” But, wait, here comes the headaches, and a bunch of crappy symptoms. Because guess what?! Fat soluble toxins bind to your fat cells! So when you are on an improper weight loss program or detox and you are losing adipose tissue and releasing toxins into your bloodstream and you don’t have the proper nutrients to support the elimination of those toxins. Boy oh boy are you in trouble. One of 2 things will happen, either the fat goes back on, or you will be skinny feeling like toxic shit everyday of your life. Sign me up! ……..Most likely with poor skin, aches and pains, and throw in an irregular cycle or if you are male, decrease in morning erections. Sounds fun! Ok, so what detox program do I recommend? It’s simple, a whole food, nutrient dense one that supports the ENTIRE DETOXIFICATION SYSTEM. Are you in? What’s next?
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